Falling out of love

I see myself as a novice professional teacher, a woman all of my life, a passionate team player who is driven by the greater good and purpose. I remember the very first time I fell out of love for my workplace.

About the Baby

What moves me, the foot or the hand?

Lies were exposed, injustice revealed and mismanagement stared me square in the face, under the leadership of what I saw as an insecure grownboy who fell short of the ability to deal or handle with the truth. Maybe not the truth, but rather a passionate female who refused to compromise truth to score points. That was just not me. I grew emotional weeds as that environment was toxic and felt it was sucking the living lights out of me. I remained very passionate, but hey a grain of salt in a bowl of pepper can only do so much to tickle the tastebuds.

I eventually rekindled with my peace, through taking on special projects that kept me happy; I served people around me. I had fun, and only God could’ve rekindled and restored that peace. In the midst of all that falling out of love, I went on with life and found my happy! But today, I find myself in the midst of déjà vu and the only difference this time is I’m constantly faced with echoing words that “this is not a school, but a business” when it is an academic institution that promotes exclusive education and trumps on social justice. If only I understood that school doors will indeed remain opened without learners to groom and teach, just maybe then my passion and morals will not be violated.

Open-letter to my Narcissist Mother

Dear Mother,

It has taken me years to put this on paper…
I am not sure where to even begin. Maybe I should start where I started noticing that something was wrong. Don’t worry, I’ll be quick…

I must’ve been around four or five years old. It was pouring outside, I sat watching you; *Pam; taking yet another sip from this misty long tumbler. I wondered what it was, eventually I asked, “what you drinking?” Nothing could have prepared me for your response. You snapped, “it’s rain water, I’m not sharing!”. I remember a deep sense of shame, embarrassment, reject and my soul wanting to just curl deep within. Surely you remember my first encounter.

Months leading to my dad’s death, in our home of five, we had just finished breakfast. I was 5 years old, nearing six, and I stood before my parents with a bowl of oat cereal that I could  finish and asked “what should I do with this?”. You swiftly responded, “chuck it in the drain”. No one has ever said this to me before. I did not know what that meant. What was expected of me? Was I supposed to somehow lift the drain lid and open it somehow? After standing outside for a long while, with my bowl of cereal, I returned to both of you and confessed “I tried to lift the lid and it wouldn’t badge”. My dad smiled, played with his beards and as he opened his mouth, his words were muted and all I heard was your voice “I’ll slap you so hard for not using your brains”. Of course, fear came over me and I went to my comfort zone…my mind and silently wishing for tomorrow. This became my home.

My dad, your husband passed. The pain of losing my father never truly left me. You separated me from my two sisters. They went with you and you left me with his mom. I queried this for years, but never did I get a response. Eventually, we were reunited at age 11. Little did I know that this was the beginning of turning me into an empathetic and strong woman. Whatever I said or did never amounted to your standards; whatever they were. I spent nerve-wrecking moments silently wishing for tomorrow. I was not happy. I started writing poetry, to run away from being compared to either my younger or older sister. Still, you found a lot of fault in that. What was I doing wrong? I decided to try write for you, but I couldn’t because I did not know you as a mother. You made me feel bad about the people I love. My gran was everything to me, and yet you made fun of her social status “you think you’re beautiful, you’re not. you will be poor all your life live in a shack like your aunty”. We were standing in the kitchen, I was wearing the black & white skater dress I loved so much. When you saw that I was shocked at this; no one has ever verbally attacked me; you said “you know I was just joking”. That joke froze my entire being. I didn’t just silently wish for tomorrow; I actually wished you dead so that I would go back to my family.

After high school, I could not pursue writing studies because you said I had to do Fine Art instead. Of course I lived to please you, I did just that. Fortunately, I had an amazing time in the visual arts. I combined my writing with my visual works; I enjoyed that so much.

Trouble began, once more, when I started working. I would still like to know why on earth would you try strip me of the things I bought. Whatever I bought, you demanded and yes, I let you take advantage of me. What was I supposed to do? I was always hopeful that somehow you will look at me, too, like your other children. Nothing could ever prepared me for the letter you wrote me a month after I started working though. Do you remember it? I kept in it that very same envelope that it was hand delivered in. Among other unpleasant things it contains, it read “you need to pay me back for giving birth to you, raising you in a warm home and paying for your studies…”. It still baffles me to this day because 1. I do not recall standing in a fetal queue waiting to point out which mother I would like to birth me, 2. we both know that my paternal gran raised me most of my life, and that home you refer to still remains a mystery to me. Memory screams loud every time I think back to your houses of terror; both of them. There was nothing homely about sleeping with one eye opened and always fearing of when this person they say is your mother will terrorize you once more. I lived in fear under your roofs, there was nothing homely about them, 3. paying for my studies sounds far from the truth because when I started working, I was repaying my study loans. Maybe you were referring to the graduation gown you hired out for me, I don’t know. I remember that month I gave you almost every penny I earned. Not once did you ask me if I had money for rent or food that month. All you cared about was your so-called payback money.

Not once did you celebrate anything I accomplished, instead you always highlighted what was at fault. When I pursued my Masters, you were on my case about getting my PhD. I never said I wanted a PhD, I just wanted to study so that I would not be left out in the arts. I wanted to grow, that’s it. When I pursued my Education studies you immediately insinuated that I was miserable in my previous career. Do you remember the text message you sent telling me that? Well, I do. That’s not it, but you will never get it. I do not mind that I may be getting paid far less than what I am used to. I love teaching, it’s my calling. You will never get it though, you will never get me Pam. I have tried in so many ways to let you know what I am all about, but your ears were always deaf when I had something to say. That’s alright though, I understand why. It might have taken me a lot of counselling sessions to see, but fortunately now I see. I could never please you. I can never make you accept me. You decided to behave the way you do towards me and no one will ever change that but you. In your eyes, I am always all things bad. All the names you have spoken over me; all of them; I reject them. They have no power over me because you have nothing I want anymore. They don’t have hold over me. You don’t have hold over me.

I think I’ve had numerous last straws with you, but the one a few days before my birthday takes the cake. “Hi, I know you have money, give me some…I should not even be asking for this money. I deserve it. I raised you and gave you life…” your text message read. I remember thinking “hold on now Pam. Didn’t we do this years ago? Surely I’ve paid my debt to this woman. Right?” As always I counted a few minutes before responding, “why the animosity now?” I responded. That blew your tip over, oh well. I must apologize for telling you off like that. I’m sure you were not expecting me to tell you that I owe you nothing, as I paid my dues back in 2006. To remind you that I had never begged or demanded you to give birth to me, no child ever does.

Anyways Pam, as much as I am not sure how I feel about you, I am certain that I choose to care for you from a distance. I refuse to allow you to poison my life any further. I tap out, mother!

From, the daughter you never reached out to,


*Pam is not her birth name

This morning Customer Services looked like this…

It has come to my attention that I have to fight for everything… peace of mind and social justice, among many.

So, on this beautiful Monday morning I decided to go to my university’s South Campus satellite, to get a copy of my transcript. Little did I know that I’d once again have to fight. The lady without a name tag put on her headphones as she got ready to assist me. Oh my word! Really? Asked her to please remove them prior to assisting me and she calmly responds “but I can hear you ma’am”. I am still in shock at the lack of Batho Pele principles not being implemented and even just the lack of interest.

The look on her face will remain priceless when I asked for her name, so that I could report her with a name and not the photo I took. “Everyone is on leave”… I wish that people would just what they’re employed to do, without complaining and without discriminating… well, in Monique’s case, without catching a case.

Nelson Mandela University, South Campus, Student Accounts

Letting Go

“Sometimes letting go just means not allowing your circumstances to define you” #ThopeQuotes

Abuse is not a gender thing, not really. In my over ten thousand days of existence I have met men who are highly broken, spiritually and deep in their soul (emotionally and mentally). One of my closest friends who has been married for dog’s or maybe donkey’s years is living proof of this. Ok, let me make this about me, since I wanna talk about how this has affected us.

I am a born encourager, that’s my strength. I tend to see what other do not see, more so in themselves. Sometimes this part of me is my very weakness and enemy.

I have come close to losing our friendship because no matter how much I point out that he is a born-leader, kind-hearted, tall man who tends to forget these… he believes the opposite, which he has been constantly told by his “half”. This is when I wanna come close, hold his arms and shake this man, who is almost twice my size and go, “bruh, your physical appearance has nothing to do with who God says you are.” But who am I to be saying that? I’m just silly ol’ me, who tends to befriend broken people. As a people, we tend to point out how men mistreat women in society. Yes, I know this. I have seen this, I have experienced this. What about when the roles have turned? What do we do?

Anyway, as a mother to a boy-child I cannot help but wonder… what about those who are never told or allowed to lead, whose self-confidence is tarnished, whose looks is mocked or even his kind of love gets questioned by a woman? Should a man cheat in order to show that they care? Should his fist be evidence of his muscularity? I don’t think so!! So, what do we do to rectify this? Hey, I dunna, all I know is the part I am willing to take part in, remind that man that no mother would pray for a son (one day a father/grandfather) who is unable to stand up for himself, family and most importantly, maybe on his knees Courageous by Casting Crowns. As a mother, I remind my son on a daily basis who he is, that there is only one of him in this world and no human being has any right to impose their personal assumptions on who he is meant to be. That power is given to insecure people by uncertain beings, and I pray that he continues to rise up being a certain individual who does not take claim of lies society might feed him about his identity.

Homeschooling over private school?

I have never been homeschooled. I have no kids who have been homeschooled, but I have come to understand and realise why some parents take this route.

Some mainstream schools can have so much drama, not just peer-on-peer bullying, but rather teacher-on-learner bullying, discrimination, not marking scripts and giving marks based on how one is liked or disliked. The behind the scenes of teaching is assumed to be rough, but what can one do when their personality and moral values are constantly raped by such? It is just unthinkable and the possibilities are endless, but this does happen.

I was nine years old when my mother’s former class teacher became mine. Mrs Majola enjoyed my writing and creative flare. This was until the one time I forgot my lunchpack at home. Well, it wasn’t forgotten… we overslept that morning and time to prepare one was non-existent. My cousin sister brought it to school for me, and that was a turning point for my entire existence. The main reason I wanted to be a teacher. Mrs Majola realised who my mother was and my life was living hell from that day on, I had books thrown at me, punched on my back and my knitted blocks literally sliced in two with a pair of scissors. After all these incidents she would tell me to go report such to my mother and grandmother.

Now, so many years later and having to witness similar things happen to children that I, as a teacher, have been entrusted with literally makes me physically sick. I was not aware of this until I went through my photos. Now, these brought horrific memories and mostly, a sense of helplessness because all these were swept under a large rug that is called “private schooling”… This saddens and infuriates me at the same time; as a society, we constantly see all the mess that happens in public schools and are very quick to judge the government and yet, we cover up worse cases because of the “school image”. Maybe parents who prefer homeschooling are aware of such ills, I don’t know. Maybe they want to protect their children from the possibilities of such, I don’t know. All I know is that homeschool would be my go-to option over taking any of my children to a private school 🤷🏿‍♀️

Never forgotten

While South Africa was mourning Uyinene Mrwetyana my ears bled from a female colleague’s ignorance, when she hurled a comment about the very young girls under our supervision, claiming that they are too friendly to young boys they school with.

What saddened me as a woman is the fact that one girl was sexually harassed the very same day that the nation was in black, the very same dayc9d5c8f7-0057-411b-a6bd-a6cc60add678 that we posted a video claiming that we cared… in our very premises and absolutely nothing was done about this, except “it’s not sexual harassment, it’s not like he touched her breasts”.  She was allegedly cornered by someone who has a crush on her, who allegedly kissed her twice without her consent, while she was pushing him away and allegedly said he will see her after school…


Eventually, I Gave Birth

Today I look at the beginning of my journey as a student many years after high school…I call it my pregnant season. With my natural child I didn’t have birth pains and yet delivered normally. I tend to wonder if my craving had me miss the moment every woman looks forward to and dreads at the same time, birthpains. See, I loved water. I drank about five litres per day. By 10am I already had a litre and a half. Now, when I was rushed to hospital because I had a spotting, everyone around me made a huge fuss about it and I was more concerned about my thirst that needed to be taken care of. I remember between the “Mommy, pay attention…” “Push now” I would beg for a glass of water. Hey, we were nearing 10am and I was over 500ml behind. Long story short, I eventually got my half a glass of water and healthy baby. What does this have to do with my studies? Well, I feel like my baby changed positions when I had to do my hardest assignment yet…design a curriculum AND I’ve had major contractions each time I had to study for exams. These were not kind at all. I never get sick, but this year has been crazy. I saw the doctor more than I ever did in the past 36 months combined. The migraines, boils, breakouts, insomnia, anxiety, blood red eyes…oh my word…the worse of them all…the loss of appetite 😧.

Days leading to this day have been worst than the exams….the waiting period…waiting for the results. It didn’t matter what people said to me, I didn’t want to think about these. So, when I went to church @fathershousesa, my pastor gave me a good scold. Well, he was giving a message and it just spoke directly to me and I remembered how I felt when I was listening. So I told myself that “gurl, you spent most of your time studying (in between worrying) and now it’s on the reapers hands to pick good fruit from the bad”. I understood what that meant. The markers and moderators were going through each of my scripts and would submit only the total of my correct answers. Mine was to trust God that these were faithful servants who were of good morals and had values.

So, today I gave birth to this 👶…

I am so grateful for the year of the Lord, 2017. I learned a lot about Zami. I experienced new and forgotten things. I’m grateful for this child I carried from February 6th to November 29th. I look forward to my baby’s dedication; graduation day in December 2017. Meanwhile, I shall relearn how to strut it in heels👠 🙆.

Happy Birthday my JOY!

On the 22nd November is a dearest friend’s birthday… Thabile Joy. She has to be the first person I met who truly lived her name outwardly.. JOY.. 

Ask me in my sleep on the 22ns November what day it is and I know I will respond, it’s her birthday.

Dear friend, may God richly bless you as you start a new level of maturity. May all your days be filled with love and more joy.
Love always….Weetbix

Student Life nearing an end…for now

So, today I took my Visual Art journal and had one of the “WOWest” moments ever after reading one of my dozen essays… I just laughed at how I write sometimes…maybe most of the time 🙂

They say that we don’t have background music in real-life, but I think they didn’t think that some of us can tap into that world…where seasons don’t meet and background music exist. As I read this essay I heard Jaheim’s Fabulous playing in the playground. I smiled every now and then as I thought this song speaks to the essay.

I am not sure how does this slideshow attachment go, but I put it up so that you may read it some time. I do hope that it is readable. (If you are unable to read it, please let me know).

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It’s the second last week before I wrap up this study this for the year…well, then there’s the end of year results that I have to wait for…

In essence my background song speaks to where my son and I have been through this year. All I put him through, got him packing up his things and leave his school for a far less human-based school, and leave the comfort of his home…woah! what a year:

“With all that we’ve got
And no matter whatever together we’ll weather the storm
And meanwhile we’re all we got it might get rough, but
It’s alright
‘Cause you-N-I-T-why is all we need
To get are-E-S-P-E-C-T
And never G-I-V-E  U-P
And keep your H-E-A-D  U-P
And never G-I-V-E  U-P”

I never get to say this, but thank you so much for reading what I had to say, even if at times it’s just kraaaaazzzzzy! Thank you, I’m grateful.

Intercede for me

I had almost forgot that today is Wednesday and I have no exam. Nonetheless, I headed off to campus for some study time.

My day started with feeling a bit refreshed…not that chuffed that I had to take the bus. It’s okay, as long as I don’t have to walk. I didn’t take out my Bluetooth headphones to block the different conversations that were birthed all around me. The occasional stares that women had on when they approached where I say was priceless…I think I was seated in “someone’s seat”…

I drifted to a different world. I swoped the bus conversations for the streets; schoolkids running to catch the school bus that almost pulled off, I couldn’t help but notice that one of the boys was still getting dressed. As the other learners got their bus fare out to pay once inside the bus, this boy was buttoning his school shirt. Do they coome from a child-headed household? Do they live with senior citizen guardians who are unable to tend after them? Different scenarious played out in my head? The oldest of these kids must have been around 13 or 14. I started to be quite aware of the different lives and morning moments that took place 🙂

How is this taxi flying? It seemed like something on TV…A minibus taxi was flying from one side of the road to the next, rolled twice and landed on its back. As the bus waited for the traffic lights to turn green, I saw something I wish I can eraze from my memory. Uncontrollable screams arose from different directions of the bus. Did they see what I just saw? All I saw was schoolkids and an unrecognizable minibus. In the midst of this, I prayed as tears streamed down my face. Mothers and fathers headed to work, and provide for their families were now being pulled out of this horrendous scene. The two high schoolkids, one picking up his school books that were lying all across this busy street was defeaned from the “lay down, we’ll collect your books” someone was screaming. “I’m writing Bio” pleaded the second boy. “Everybody sit!” the bus driver screamed.

All I could do was intercede. My cellphone died right after I alerted a friend who works in the traffic department about the accident. What could I do? I could only pray.

I got to campus 20 minutes later and I just threw up. I was shaking. The image of a flying minibus remains stamped in my head. I put on my bluetooth headphones and guess what started playing? “He intercedes for me, Protects me from things unseen,
Right between God and me. He intercedes for me…” Kirk Franklin answered in song.

All I can do is just pray that no one died in that crash and those kids are given special exam or something.

What a morning 😥

This EXAM thing though…

So, it’s 03:34 am, and I’m back to having exams anxiety…I can’t help but put on my headphones and just let the music play on. Didn’t I do this last semester? I had all sorts of crazy break outs because of this monster called exams. I passed with great marks…two distinctions and all. So, what now? This has got to stop.

Part of me says, “Let me study a few more hours and then rest… I know I’m gonna need that early morning jog around campus to refresh my mind.” While another part is like “I can’t go to sleep yet, I need some upbeat music to get me going and pushing”. This student life is nothing like what I once knew. This exam thing has my world on a roller-coaster 😥

Oh my word, “Jesus knows just how you feel, just let Him take the wheel…” this song pumping in my ears…I can’t help but laugh. Okay, so what if I’m meant to hear this song at this time…

I need to pull over for real, and just let Him drive. My victory should not be in my exam results! But wait, how do I just pull over in the middle of nowhere? This is crazy!! What’s crazier is the will to just pull over, as long as I don’t have to endure an upset tummy throughout my exam like last week…o brotha! I admit that I surely enjoyed that Creative Art exam, regardless.